Thursday, November 26, 2009

Saving the Pets of the Rapture

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

For today's post, I bring you a bit of evangelical-related pop culture goodness: this site, run by a company called "Eternal Earth-Bound Pets." The company presents itself (I have no reason to doubt them, but I haven't checked thoroughly myself) as a group of animal-loving atheists. For $110, the group will sign with you a contract to the effect that, should the Rapture occur, the group will take over care of your pets. The $110 covers one pet for one 10-year period. Extra pets are $15 per pet (I wonder if they count fish in the same aquarium individually).

Their FAQ page is worth a look. Example question: "How do you ensure your representatives won't be raptured?" Answer: "Actually, we don't ensure it, they do. Each of our representatives has stated to us in writing that they are atheists, do not believe in God / Jesus, and that they have blasphemed in accordance with Mark 3:29, negating any chance of salvation."

I wonder if they've had to field requests for proof of blasphemy. Mark 3:29, of course, refers to the "unforgivable sin" of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which gets interpreted in a number of ways by various Christian churches. Does the company offer videos of its representatives blaspheming? Signed statements of blasphemy? At what point, really, does denial of a particular (veeeerrrry specific) religious belief become another kind of faith practice?

Anyway--credit where credit is due: I heard about them from a podcast called "Issues, Etc." a conservative call-in show.

There's lots of deliciousness to hash out from the Pet-Saving Atheists, but I leave you for today simply to digest on your own.

And consider: The group is celebrating their 100th client.

More soon (again, Thanksgiving travel=spotty updates),


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