Sunday, June 23, 2019

Better Angels Convention 2019 Day 4

So. Cancelled flight=stuck at a St. Louis Hotel. It's not bad, really. I miss home and Alan.

But--a quick anecdote about Better Angels. After the last session ("Depolarizing Within" with Bill Doherty--I'll need to process that later), I got an Uber for my red friend and three other folk. We spent the ride telling the driver about Better Angels.

"We're trying to get liberals and conservatives to talk to each other respectfully," one BA (a red, I believe) explained.

"Good luck," laughed our driver. We described some of the typical BA activities. The driver then shared some of his own political frustrations: kids aren't being taught critical thinking, teachers are imposing views, etc. It was strongly red state in tone, but it was not the standard repartee one expects from an Uber driver. I doubt it's usual for him to be so frank (I could be wrong); he even apologized for going on to us. He had gathered, however, that it was safe for him to share, that we'd not judge him.

Cool as that was, the anecdote I mean really starts when we get to the airport, drop everyone off--and I realize I've left my computer bag (and my computer and tablet) on the curb at Washington U. Amazingly, I felt no panic--at least not the kind of panic that would consume me in just about any other context I'd left my computer somewhere. I was embarrassed, frustrated with myself. (There's always the old This is it. The rot. The early onset dementia... voice.) But I felt a bit like I had left my computer with my family. Such a hokey thing to say, that. But I felt sure that someone had my back.

The Uber driver was kind enough to take me back to the U. On the way back, I got a call. Someone had found my bag and put it somewhere safe. I fetched it. The Uber driver (so nice!) took me back to the airport (I added a huge tip). Another BA person called to make sure I'd gotten the bag.

I don't know that I've ever felt such trust at a conference.

And I'm very glad I got my computer back, lol.

More tomorrow


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