I'm tired of writing about the awfulness, so let's have a break today. Smorgasbord post!
TOPIC: Schoolwork
Finished--finally--the huge (digital) stack of papers from both script analysis sections. I still have a load of work ahead of me in preparation for Monday (and that's with classes resuming Friday).
I have (counting) four defenses to attend next week: two comp exams, a general exam, and a dissertation defense. I also need to get moving on a letter of recommendation, an article review, and a revised call statement. I will be more than ready for a break after next week.
TOPIC: Research
And yet my brain thinks of still more things I could be doing. The dearth of summer funding has me eager to find some way to make money and be productive. One such possibility here lies in a book fellowship focused on writing a second book.
Since my last go at a second book fell through (long story), I've been poking around with the topic since then. Could I, I wonder, produce a first chapter sufficient to qualify for the fellowship--in two weeks? (Laughs maniacally)
But really. Could I? Hm.
TOPIC: Ministry stuff
I have a full-tuition offer from one seminary. I'm waiting on the other. We'll see...
Before then, I have the Board Of Ordained Ministry (BOOM) in about a week and a half. Follow-up from the District Committee on Ordained Ministry (DCOM) has been . . . minimal, even with a gentle nudge by email from me. Another nudge may be in order, along with the updated Statement of Call. The last one I had is at this point dated. I was discerning then. I'm certaining now. (pause for a quick search.) Huh. Seems like discern comes from the Latin discernere--to separate, set apart, distinguish. That in turn derives from dis (at a distance) and cernere (separate or sift), and before that the Proto-Indo-European root *krei--sieve. I've sifted; now I'm being sifted, ready to be used or set aside as God wills.
TOPIC: Transformers
Have I mentioned how much I love Transformers? The toys/expanded universe? One discipline I've adopted in the past few weeks has been to devote some time each day just to playing with my transformers. It's been immensely therapeutic.
Transformers have always fascinated me; I remember being captivated by the GoBot commercials I first saw. A cool vehicle ("cool" meant "resembled something that could fire a laser beam") turned into a robot (definitely capable of firing a laser beam)? Yes, please! Thankfully, it was Transformers rather than the GoBots that won my parents' money and my attention. Cliffjumper was my first; my sister got Bumblebee at the same time. I have a Cliffjumper and Bumblebee now, both light years more advanced (and fun!) than the old ones. Well, I say that, but I had plenty of fun with them and the others. I remember the birthday I got Optimus Prime (which in my mind had been "Optimistic Pride"--I'm so hopeful and proud of you!). That was a good one.
I confess on this Ash Wednesday: I'm still terribly drawn to having and playing with toys. The fact that I have to make myself carve out time to play--and the fact that doing so helps stabilize me--suggests that perhaps I should look elsewhere for Lenten disciplines of fast.
I should get up early tomorrow and take the car to the mechanic. It'll be the last free day I have for a while, and there's some worrisome noises and lights there. Plus the tires are pretty old... Sigh. We'll see.
TOPIC: School again
And I gotta figure out miderm grades!
I better play, pray, and get to sleep.
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